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The funniest thing about this is… well, maybe it's not funny broadly. The ironic thing about it is that the worst sort of abuse he could visit upon a miniature is beyond the apex of what I could ever achieve, and even he feels like this. So it must just be part of the Human Condition to find ourselves dwarfed by the immensity of The Task At Hand.

Inferno Squad

Last time Gabriel and his inheritors went wild on wargaming, part of the reason it fell apart was that they dug too greedily and too deep. Any one of the wargames that Games Workshop makes could be your entire life - they could certainly be your entire paycheck. They were playing Kill Team and Warhammer 40k 9th edition at the same time, and it didn't help that each of these games shares some language that doesn't actually mean the same thing in the different contexts. Plus, the 9th Edition of 40k just isn't as fun as the new one - they got a taste of 10 and they're sticking with it, despite my most fervent attempts.

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