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Kingdom Come

Kingdom Come: Deliverance II is the kind of life-sim, Steam Charts pervert game I have a hard time engaging with. Well, that's not true. It's that I engage with one tiny part of it obsessively and then I have a sixty dollar game I've eaten the nuts and chewies out of and the rest of the box gets thrown in the garbage. It's like Disgaea Item Worlds; that just becomes the whole game. I watched somebody make a sword in KC:D2 and sharpen it, and though it didn't take the amount of time it would actually take it took a long-ass motherfuckin' time. Long enough to lose myself meditatively in the quenching, perhaps. Hmm.


Try Streem

By Tycho – February 7, 2025

Gonna get down on Rivals with Dabe and Mike until noon, then more of the incredible Indiana Jones and the Great Circle.  When we left off we had just entered a darkened crypt!  I bet that's gonna happen a couple times.  I'll see you there.



With the acquisitions of Lucasfilm and Marvel, Science Fiction and Comics themselves - as they exist in the public imagination - became the property of Disney. After some initial success, and up to Endgame what might be one of the most effective and lucrative cinematic engines of all time, they have waned in dissipation and arrogance. Even the cool stuff they manage to get out on accident is catching strays because they've fucked this up so royally. Disney has invented a machine that kills golden geese.

Vengeance is Mine, Saith The Lord

DeepSeek - we all know about this, right? The Chinese model that came out of nowhere, became the number one installed app and remains so? And it's way cheaper, plus it's open source? That DeepSeek. That's the one I mean. Anyway, if it were possible to detonate a nuclear bomb inside nVidia's stock price, that's essentially what happened. How did it get so good, so fast, so cheap? Is it actually cheap? Who knows. But there's rumblings from OpenAI that one reason is that it stood on the shoulders of illegal, copyright infringing giants. Boo fucking hoo.


Whip Smart

Dabe and I played, like, two hours of Indiana Jones and the Great Circle weeks ago and I still think about it all the time. I would play it more, just install it myself, but I feel very strongly that you need a witness to extract the most out of it. I think there's too much texture, too much detail for a single person and I am prepared to sign up for either side of the dyad. It's also updated the genre itself - something like an immersive sim, immy simmy perhaps, with some creature comforts for players that jettison some of the drudgery we associate with this sort of game.

Cloak&Dagger fan art

By Gabe – January 30, 2025

I’ve been playing a ton of Marvel Rivals recently. I’m even playing ranked, which is something I almost never do in these sorts of games. I just hit Silver 1 yesterday and I hope to get to gold before the season ends but holy shit you can lose a lot or rounds in a row. My favorite character to play is Cloak and Dagger and I did a quick sketch of them just for fun the other day that I shared over on my Blue Sky account

Is It Ninja Guyden Or Ninja Gayden

The war over whether it was Guy or Gay raged in the schoolyards and cafeterias of Ridgeview Elementary School. We did not live in an age where such things could be resolved immediately. No, we lived in an age where such things were casus belli even though nobody actually had any grounding for their positions. We had not yet arrived at the era of a Resident Evil, where the game Resident Evil begins by literally saying the words "Resident Evil" out loud. We could agree that it was hard as fuck and that the ninja dude looked hellafied running in the intro. This allowed our congregation of youthful, callus-thumbed warriors to unite against the true threat: Jacquio, and his demon-cult.

The Tooth House

I once had a customer service experience with an Apple phone that was so Kafkaesque that I bought a Pixel the same day. I'm not saying that the Pixel is good or that you should think it's good or that Apple is evil or anything like that. It just occurred to me that it was within my power to never have this particular experience again. I can have other bad experiences, but when I realized I could consign this particular one to The Void I leapt with ravenous hunger.


Dirty One

New Trek has its ups and downs. Statistically speaking, I think downs predominate. I absolutely loved the second season of Discovery, and either liked or couldn't understand why they had done the rest of it. Picard was… man. Lower Decks (Lower Decks!) is legit, and Strange New Worlds balls out of control. Out of control.

Thanos SNAP

For whatever reason, Gabe simply has never been subject to TikTok. Whatever it's doing, however it's trying to do it, it simply doesn't plug into his dealio. I never got into Reddit really, whatever its charms, and that's the bifurcation. They could ban TikTok, or not ban it, or only make it available between the hours of Midnight and One O'Clock, and he literally wouldn't know. I have sent him three to four hundred TikToks over the last six years or so and he just says he doesn't have it and will never have it. I suspect it's like when your cat gives you an inside-out mouse, and you're supposed to appreciate it, but you want nothing to do with it in any way, shape, or form. For a variety of reasons. You won't suddenly be inspired to investigate mouse recipes. You know?

Bot Without My Daughter

I feel like it's been a very long time since I've seen handles like I've seen in Rivals. You have the console players, clearly marked by their platform allegiance in the UI, and then you have the mutant and feral horde of Steam players for whom laws are suggestions and for whom literacy is a sworn enemy. Expertly commingling the Third Reich with Pedophilia, the name in the strip is a real name. Well, not a given name. I hope that's not a given name, but we did see it. That's the one we felt could be included in the strip. The list of those which could not is robust! It's a deep roster.


I think that it's okay to do things for money, especially if you're really good at them. For example, if you are A Russo Brother - either one - I would absolutely love it if they came back and made a cool Marvel movie. Disney certainly doesn't know how. Disney has been wandering in the fucking woods since Endgame, and the movie that called them out for doing exactly that made 1.3 billion dollars. I want these Russo gentlemen back because they made Captain America: Winter Soldier. That's why I wanted them to do the other stuff; because they make good things. I don't need some kind of substrate underneath it. It's a craft. They're the masters of it. That's plenty for me.


Not Match

I have a migraine, so let's see how this goes. Like my youngest, if I try to speak it takes forever. It's like I've ordered the words from GrubHub and I must wait for them to arrive. I can watch the little dot with my words creep along the screen until they get to my mouth. But typing is mostly okay!


I'd had an inkling for a while, just a little itch in my brainstem, but now it's reached some kind of primal vibration that demands release. I'm feeling very confident , more confident than ever, that Nintendo is going to make another console. I know it rings harsh, like the echo of a mad prophecy. But we're closer than ever, and you can't disagree with that really, because that's just how time works. We've never been more near. I feel its cold shadow.

Big Stick Energy

These skins are utterly out of control - they're unbridled eroticism, except for the range of tantalizing Equestrian themed outfits, where bridles are somehow worked into the twisted proceedings themselves. These perverts at NetEase would see every day devoted to humping if they could, stripping Wednesday of its traditional remit.