I just wanted to mention two Child's Play related items. First the
Minibosses have an eBay auction up that benefits CP. It's essentially
a Minnibosses gift pack full of CD's, posters,shirts and whatever else
they can cram in there. Please hit the link for their auction and
remember it's all for Charity.
Second the deadline to purchase tickets for the Child's Play charity
dinner and auction is approaching. We'll be closing ticket sales next
week. If you want to go and you haven't purchased your ticket yet
now is the time.
Also please take some time today to check out our list of hospitals
this year. If you haven't picked anything up yet please give it some
thought. It might just be a couple coloring books or even a package of
batteries. Trust me when I tell you that anything, no matter what it
is will be very much appreciated by these hospitals. Don't think that
just becasue you can't get the kids a PS3 you can't help. Some simple
things like Playdough actually need to be thrown away after each use.
Certain items that the kids like to play with collect germs and can
only be used once. They can never have too many containers of the
stuff. Or too many batteries for that matter. Or coloring books or
markers. Believe me when I tell you that you could spend five dollars
and really make a difference.
-Gabe out

November 29, 2006