When I'm on the fence about advertising a game, I just don't do it - but this is a case where the fence I was on had another fence on top of it, and I was sitting on that one.
Essentially, I'm not sure if we want to advertise for Casinos. Actually, I'm fairly certain we don't. But Skill City isn't a Casino exactly, since it's not based on games of chance, though it does allow you to play games similar to Tetris or Puzzle Fighter or Bookworm for money. You don't have to - you can also play their games for free, or for the game's internal currency. In any case, I turned down the ads - but at the same time it seems like the sort of thing some readers may be interested in. I imagine that as time passes, we'll see more original games like Antskrieg hit the service, but for now there are many familiar faces.

June 13, 2007