I understand that it's a little off brand, but it's not even close; Mork reads way more than I do. Now, it should be said: are the books I read of a more sophisticated nature? There's no question. Is there more nutrition for the mind in my stalwart tomes? I'll give you an index; my brain is forty-eight percent of my bodyweight. I mean, compare and contrast. How would something be written in his book, and opposed to mine? Let's look inside:
My book: urethra
Gabe's book: peepee hole
My book: sandwich
Gabe's book: bread meat bread food
My book: mind
Gabe's book: thinky-town
I'm just being dumb. But he probably reads at least one book a week, books I've never heard of drawn from the fiefdoms of well-loved authors just outside my ken. His hunger for science fiction, particularly at the independent fringe, puts him onto stuff like Weir's The Martian or Hugh Howie's Wool way before they develop broad cultural currency at a striking, very nearly unerring level.
There's an author called Alistair Reynolds he is very fond of, in large part because the covers of these books often feature a vast device of some kind in orbit around a planet. He has no natural defense to this imagery, it works upon his will like an ancient sigil. He's read a ton of shit from him, and he thought he'd be able to get Machine Vendetta in a grab and go situation, but apparently it's Book Three of the Prefect Dreyfus Emergencies? Maybe one of the other books explains some of this stuff. One thing in particular.
Dirty Dwab is going hard on a PAX East Deadline, so I'm gonna jump in solo with ThatBronzeGirl and Lord B on something. We know well how to chop it up in Darktide, so it might be that? A few things on the menu. Come hang out as "just after ten PST" as I can make it. I gotta meet with my dungeon masters about AcqInc this year, so we'll be dipping out around one.
(CW)TB out.