Just to save you some time, unless you wasted it already: there isn't some secret repository of cloaca related content here on Penny Arcade somewhere, as much as Holly Conrad would like that. She would love nothing more than to see Penny Arcade become a 25/8 display shelf for a bird's most sacred hole. And we'd do it, too. But we ran the numbers: she's the only one who wants that.
Every now and then, I'll hear some surprising tale about how America's Youth (specifically, some kid on one of my kid's classes) is either conversant in Arcadian or has the sigil of Acquisitions Incorporated emblazon'd on some portion of their livery. I occasionally see them in the crowd with a level of engagement that indicates they are not there solely because they have either been
1. Dragged there by their parents, or
2. Sustained an injury which might preclude them from leaving.
Hey! Between now and Christmas, we have a ton of sponsored streams we've been super looking forward to. In a three-part stream that starts today and resolves on the 19th and 20th, Eric and I are going to be playing the Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game, and though it's from the same publisher as Warhammer 40k and Age Of Sigmar, has a completely different approach that emphasizes heroic upsets and moments of valor from even the smallest units, which when you think about it is pretty on-brand for Middle-Earth. This is the Lord of the Rings: Battle of Osgiliath, with the forces of both Good and Evil contained inside, so we're gonna wrap up painting the terrain and hosts today from 3-5pm PST!
We've got a full week of #sponsored streams with incredible games and guests. Today, we've got the first of three Middle-Earth: #BattleofOsgiliath streams! Join us on Twitch from 2-5pm PT for terrain painting! #WarhammerCommunity #MESBG #ad pic.twitter.com/3stFV7HXgE
— Penny Arcade (@PA_Megacorp) December 12, 2022
(CW)TB out.