I am now aware that Machine Vendetta is apparently the third book in a series that I am sure introduces Hyperpigs early on.
It seems like everytime I try to find a new book it is the thirteenth book in a series or something similar. Machine Vendetta was listed as taking place in the same setting as other books but didn’t specifically say BOOK 3 anyplace that I could see in the store I was using. I like Alastair Reynolds a lot, in fact his book Pushing Ice is one of my favorites of all time. I don’t remember any Hyperpigs in it.
I assume that in the first book of this series we are dealing with regular pigs that just go around doing regular pig stuff. It must be in the second book that something incredible happens to these pigs elevating them to "Hyper" status. No doubt the bulk of that novel is given over to the description and ramifications of said event. By the time the third book comes along the reader is obviously expected to have a firm understanding of the Hyperpig. Then here I come wandering in like some Johnny Come Lately not knowing jack shit about Hyperpigs and expecting to jump right into the third book! This was my mistake and I apologize.
Jerry suggested that I mention some of the other Science Fiction books I’ve been reading here in the post, but as I look back through my library it’s all history books right now. I got hooked on the Sacketts series from Louis L’amour and have read a few of those. 1491 is a really interesting account of the Americas before the arrival of Columbus and Rubicon is a very well written look at the end of the Roman Republic.
When I’m not reading long ass boring books about dead people I’m playing Granblue Fantasy: Relink. I’m about 9 hours into the single player campaign and I absolutely love this game. The combat is so fast and fun it’s hard to put down! Not only that but each of the characters you can control play so differently and have such cool unique abilities that it’s hard to pick a favorite. As of last night the multiplayer still seems to be messed up but I’m not even mad. At some point they will fix it and I’ll be able to play this awesome game cooperatively! I’m playing on PS5 but there’s a Steam version as well. Don’t skip this one if you like a good action JRPG and you don't have to know anything about the Granblue series to have a good time!
-Gabe out