I love Kristopher Straub, I really do. Long after I thought parodies of Apple's Switch Ads might have worn out their welcome, he goes and makes the best one.

I love Kristopher Straub, I really do. Long after I thought parodies of Apple's Switch Ads might have worn out their welcome, he goes and makes the best one.
I mean, what the damnity damn hell!
This is not the site to go to if you want to be sad all day.
I'd like to thank everyone who set me straight on this - I've learned something today. Just because someone has kind of a frenchy accent does not automatically make them French. Or Canadian. As it turns out, they might also be from Belgium, or some other country where they talk like that.
That we scared away the Xbox owners.
In this third and final chapter, Henry Jenkins leads a rag-tag band of medevial craftsmen against the the cruel Lord Jambon, who has yoked humanity with an insidious new kind of yoke. Don't miss the second chapter, where Captain Jenkins travels to a smoky, complex future ruled by the despotic Ham Kings, or the gripping first chapter, which literally grips you because it's printed on a large clamp.
After playing the game - something I do not recommend you do - we started picturing Blade on a blind date. I can't say that it is logically connected to our thoughts on the title itself. However, we do recommend that you hear Blade's voice in your mind as you read it. Thank you.
By conservative estimates, about half of the readership has completed our survey - so I'm satisfied that our sample is pretty good. Then again, I thought that we had a pretty good snapshot on Wednesday, too, and since then we've added three percent more girls. Now, I don't know a whole lot about girls. Maybe they only surf the web on Thursdays and Fridays. Just in case, I'm going to leave it up for another day.
It'll be running until Friday, and I just want to give it top billing: Even now, our magical survey craves your input. People have asked why I haven't posted the results, or if I'm going to - I have every intention of doing so. It's pretty interesting. I'm going to wait until we have all the data to show it off.
Can be found here - if you have a moment, we would really appreciate your input.
I saw that the German Version of the Project Nomads demo was out. I've been watching this game's development ever since it won all those awards for being super duper magooper, so obviously this was big news. However, since I'm not German, I just changed the Deu to Eng and it seems to work just fine.
I've got Gabe's post right here, so just scroll down to hear him chat up the Buffy game on the Xbox. In the interim, of course we have produced a new strip on the topic. It is a true story, even if it was him in the blanket and him who got in trouble. Also, it was a different game and I was wearing a chef's hat. We were ass deep in iguanas during this period and I was seriously considering becoming a beekeeper.
A few of the reviews for SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs have complained about its poor AI. My own glowing post about the game included just such a remark in fact. Well I got the opportunity to talk with Seth Luisi the producer of SOCOM and he dropped some info on me about the AI that I haven't seen mentioned anyplace else so I figured I should share it with you all.
I said I'd give it a shot over the last couple days, and report back.