The official rapper of Penny Arcade - indeed, our rapper laureate - has completed our theme song. It is delicious to the ear. Just clicking on it doesn't seem to work, but "Save As" seems to be just fine. In his mail announcing it, he gave me a link that illuminated the chorus - but alas, I was already lighted sufficiently. C-64 for life.
Can You Tell Me How To Get
We got to the Necrowombicon just fine, no thanks to Yahoo Maps - which happens to be the topic of today's strip. Our directions didn't even go to the hotel. They went underwater.
Hello From Necrowobbicon
Enterprising hackers have secured us a wireless internet connection for the LAN here. We do appreciate their efforts.
Before we have a full-on page that is good for mobile devices, we do have a very old one done by our friend Sam.
Necrowombicon 2 guy Fatrick sends along the following info regarding this weekend's festivities:
I'm Up
I would like to welcome everyone to Fuck Day!
The Guy
You know, the con guy! With the thing! He has been found!
Mein Birthday
Except for (perhaps) Jesus Christ, no birthday in history is accompanied by as much fanfare as Gabe's. He's incorrigible. It's fucking August, and already I can't wait for his special day to come and go, mostly go. We haven't decided whether this strip will inspire an ill-advised foray into treacherous Continuity, but I thought it proper to warn you in advance.
So, Oz is essentially a soap opera about domination, for men. It's great!
What does the Lady Bug do?
All I have for you today are a few quick updates.
I Went To Video Isle
Got a couple movies.
Our Dirty Secret
Our recent arcade experience was absolutely bewildering.
Lend Me Your Ears
It's like this. Batjew is in the process of losing his job. We need to find Batjew - a.k.a. Alexander Goldstein - some gainful employment, and we need to find it right away. At his current rate of Altoid consumption, we project that he will burn through his savings in two weeks, and that's where you come in. He's up in Vancouver, B.C., he has a host of IT skills, and he takes this sort of thing very seriously. If you need somebody in Vancouver, or you're in the market anywhere for a remote tech to telecommute, I think we may have your man. Check out the resume, drop him a line, and let's do this thing.
New fan art
I just finished some new Warcraft 3 fan art and though I’d share it with all of you. I do hope you enjoy it.
Skill Hack!
The two items that seemed to pop up this week in my mail over and over again were the sale of Vivendi's games division and the map hack for Warcraft 3. Many of you were upset that Blizzard seemed unwilling or unable to deal with the map hack. Just as I was starting to agree with you they came out and made an official announcement about it on Wednesday. Apparently anyone caught using the hack will have their CD key banned. I understand that all they would need to do is go out and purchase another copy of the game but I still think it's a good deterrent. I honestly don't know if I have ever played against someone using the hack. I'd like to think that my many losses could be attributed to some form of treachery by the other player rather than my own incompetence. Blizzard has asked that you send in any replays in which you feel like you may have been the victim of one of these unscrupulous cheaters. After careful study of my own library of replays I could find no evidence of a hack that turns off fog of war. However I did find something even more dangerous. There appears to be an even more prevalent hack that lets people utilize a highly streamlined build order, intelligent troop configurations and strategic hero management to totally destroy my puny forces. Blizzard really needs to do something about this if you ask me.