The second Banner Saga game just hit in that dealio I was talking about before, so I wanted to remind everyone and I also wanted to expose human minds to our insane video that we made with Kris Straub again:
Here is the condensed, yet still flavorful version: From March 2nd through March 6th, Twitch Prime members can get Banner Saga 2 for free via the Twitch Launcher. The novel portion is this: every time a person downloads and plays the game, Amazon gives Banner Saga developer Stoic a dollar, up to a 100k. Even if you had the games already - and I do, several times over - it's worth doing.
But what if you aren't a Twitch Prime member, you say?!?! You can try Twitch Prime free for 30 days and you’ll get to keep the games (and help out Stoic) even if you don’t end up subscribing.
They also asked if I would design three to five items for the game as a part of all this, definitely doing that, making in-game items is essentially a recreational activity for me and I love that team so it was an easy call. But yeah! That's the promotion. I think it's cool and I was happy to help.