In the manner of an extended Goku montage, I need to build my writing strength so that I am prepared for the challenges ahead, which may or may not revolve around engaging in literary battles with alien lords or devil gods. That's what I'm hoping. Optimally I'll be able to stand in an open plain, gaze beyond the sky, and exhort them to face me.
So I'm writing all kinds of stuff. Poems, because The Eyrewood Needs Poetry in the same way that Mars is said to require moms. Character studies. Flavor Text. Anything I can do to be who is required for the next phase of this thing, which is going to require substantially more Tycho and perhaps even more Jerry, if he is available. But while poking around for shorter forms to play around with, I found the Bookshots Thingies but also this Hooked business, "fiction for the Snapchat Generation." I can't really speak to that; I think the world we live in now essentially forces us to constantly "write" in an embroidered, narrative way about our lives. I don't think anyone isn't doing it. But! It seemed like something I could experiment with.
We played a game called Dub Wars. Look, I can prove it:
I think the levels of joy generated by the product, specifically by its clever "geometry wars by way of a music visualizer" dealio, come across pretty clearly in the video. In a bold throwback to a bygone era, there's even a demo. We go into it in the video, but the takeaway is that many "rhythm games" don't and possibly can't reveal music in this way. Oh! And if you have any Chroma devices, the visualizations extend out to those also, and potentially into your tattered soul, healing it. We both liked it, which is a highly novel scenario. We're like the Gates of Argonath, hands raised in defiance. But this one got by both of us.
(CW)TB out.