People have been saying they were gonna leave Twitter for a super long time, in the same way they often claim they're going to move to Canada, and with roughly the same level of success. I'm not trying to say they're dumb liars; full synchronicity with our personal ethics requires a nearly cosmic level of effort, and in my experience always comes with painful sacrifice, which is why most people are content merely to describe this wicked gulf in others. But it actually seems to be happening, this time. There is a sundering of sorts, the kind of thing you would read in the Silmarillion. At least, I think. I've never read it. But it's still true: BlueSky and Threads are now functional, catalyzed venues for discourse with varying levels or intentions to Federate. Federation is sort of a sophisticated concept to explain, but it might be reasonable here to say that it is an orthogonal philosophy to the Internet as it works now. Another way of saying it: Federation has ideas in common with the Internet that was stolen from us.