I tweeted out over the weekend that my son was voting for his mother at the end of our Overwatch rounds rather than for me. I had a few folks ask how we managed to all play together and it's true that we have three PS4's in the house. Some people might consider this excessive but that's not how I see it. For me it is an investment in a family activity. I wouldn't feel bad if I bought us all skis and we spent every weekend with the kids up on the mountain. This is what we do together. Videogames are an opportunity for Kara and I to spend hours with the kids playing and talking. If I ask Gabe what he did in school over dinner I get a shrug and a "nothing". Between Overwatch rounds or during a Destiny Strike I get the real stories though.
Yesterday the kids were at Grandma and Papa's house so Kara and I played some afternoon Overwatch. I streamed a bit of it and you can watch it right here if you're interested.
Watch live video from pennyarcade on www.twitch.tv
If you guys are interested I'd be happy to stream a family game night sometime. It really is great playing with Kara and Gabe. He is 11 now and someday soon I expect playing games with Mom and Dad will lose its shine. These games and the conversations that surround them will always be something I cherish though.
-Gabe out